When To Consider Vaginal Rejuvenation
Posted on: 2 January 2019
In this day and age, it can seem like there's a cosmetic procedure for just about everything around you — including your vagina. Whether you suffer from sexual dysfunction or you suffer from urinary incontinence, you may benefit from a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment. But what are these procedures and why are they so beneficial? This article will take a closer look. Read on to learn a little bit more.
Reasons to Get Vaginal Rejuvenation
Sexual Dissatisfaction
Feeling sexually dissatisfied isn't something that any woman should have to experience. Sometimes, women can't get sexually aroused or have an orgasm because their vaginal wall isn't very tight. If you have noticed that you are having a hard time having an orgasm during sex, then this may be the cause. During a vaginal examination, your doctor may be able to determine whether or not vaginal rejuvenation can help you.
Urinary Incontinence
If you gave birth vaginally, then you may realize that you suffer from urinary incontinence. Whether you are incontinent when you laugh, sneeze, jump, or run, there is no point in you spending your entire life suffering from urinary incontinence. By tightening your vaginal wall with vaginal rejuvenation, patients experience more of a control over their bladder and few urinary incontinence symptoms.
How Does the Procedure Work?
There are two main types of vaginal rejuvenation procedures: surgical and non-surgical. Even though surgical procedures can be really effective, they aren't for everyone. Luckily, there are currently two non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation procedures that are available on the market: the O-Shot and laser tightening.
The O-Shot: The O-shot uses platelet-rich plasma which is found in your blood. Platelet-rich plasma contains a lot of proteins, which are great at helping with stem cell growth. Once the plasma has been extracted from your blood, your doctor will then mix it with a solution and inject it into your vaginal wall. The results? Your body will create a tighter vaginal wall so that you suffer from fewer side effects.
Laser Tightening: Another laser rejuvenation procedure that you may want to consider is laser tightening. By using a vaginal probe, your dot will insert a small laser into your vagina. The laser works by heating up the vaginal tissues which then, in turn, causes them to create more collagen.
As you can see, there are reasons to consider getting a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. If you want to learn more, contact a doctor near you.